Description of the project
The main objective of this project was to develop materials for subsequent processing of the RDS to ensure fulfillment of the policy statement of the Government of the Czech Republic from 4th August 2010 in regional development, urban planning and housing, and ensuring coordination of activities of ministries and other central bodies of state administration in securing regional policy. This main objective was achieved through several sub-goals:
- to analyze the state of regional development in the CR including the characteristics of its development, strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats of individual regions.
- to propose the formulation of strategic goals of regional development in the CR, including the draft definition of state-supported regions and character of these interventions and makeing draft of recommendations to the affected administrative authorities and central regions for focusing of the sectoral development within their jurisdiction.
- to link the proposed strategy with the architecture design of the Structural Funds in the CR in the future programming period 2014 - 2020 and not only in terms of material, but also in terms of implementation.