Description of the project
The aim of the first part of the project was the processing of aggregated quantitative analysis of regional production characteristics for defined territories, together with an analysis of qualitative parameters of production and the real structure of the economic base. The analysis was conducted for the level of NUTS III regions and the level of cities with more than 20 000 inhabitants, which treat IUDPs. Part of the project was also an analysis of allocation of SF in CSF and NSRF by prevailing OKEČ of beneficiary, respectively the analysis of the extent of interventions in the SF sector of national economy and their potential impact on economic development by areas of economic activities.
The second component of the project was to develop methodology for evaluating the economic development potential of the regions and efficiency of SF operations, respectively, methodical tools for evaluating trends in the period 2006-2013 and for quantification of the effectiveness of SF operations in this period.